met on 27 december

Giorgio, at Osteria dei Mercanti, Brescia

Old school-mate, great Dino's friend.
On the bus to school he influenced my adolescence vocabulary with words such as "leso/a" "tirare le pezze" and similar. Verb of the year (learned via facebook) has been "gasare".
Almost obsessed with Islam and Middle-east trips, he dreams about the 70 virgins for all eternity kindly given by Allah.

what did he receive for xmas? (by Dino)

punk islam

met on 25 december

Federica, at Madera, Brescia

Back from Copenhagen for Christmas holidays, here is Federica!
Copenhagen is for sure an incredible almost perfect place, but.. something is missing up there. What? LUSH! There's no Lush in Denmark.
We must act! A little piece of Cocoloco soap for her!

Cecco, at Vinile45, Brescia

I love it! And I also love the fact that he always has a comb in his pocket to take care of it.

it would have been great meeting

that look you give that guy

met on 23 december

Angelo, pic stolen from his facebook

Homecoming time. Yesterday it was Angelo's turn, back from Japan!
I had to steal this picture cause when we met I was running to catch my train and I had no time to take him pictures.
I found him beautiful. Rejuvenated. Smooth and pale skin.
I want to spend some months in the Japanese countryside too.

it would have been great meeting
Georgina Spelvin

paradise circus - massive attack
obviously you can't find it on youtube:

met on 22 december

Viola, Rob, Marc, Vale, Dino at Marc's superclean place, Milano

Rob is back from Rio de Janeiro, where he spent the last 4 months!
We accidentally met at Muji (perfect place to buy xmas presents, even if in the end i always buy nothing cause it's too expensive for xmas presents) where he gave me a big hug while I was shouting "he just came back from Rio!!".
Night at Marc, talking about Rio and the Italian disastrous political situation.

it would have been great having
Muji penguins bowling

glory box

met on 18 december

Stella, at hers, Milano

Stella is 30 years old, but she's still not able to blow out birthday candles!

this is what betty planned for the party

the diamond sea

met on 17 december

Paola and Paolo, at Between, Milano

I think I'm going to miss those pink-lilac walls.
Yesterday it was my last internship day at Between (good, useful and rewarding experience) and they are those who started with me as interns. You lucky thing!
We really had good nice time together.

my flatmate Alice is officially an interior designer

ready to start

met on 14 december

Ale, at PanePasta, Milano

After 5months of absence he came back to Milan on monday morning.
He definitely needed some pizzoccheri cooked by me!
He was a bit confused, very silent and maybe gloomy. I think it's normal: he used to live in Sydney, where it's summer now, and he spent the last 20days in New Zealand.
Poor boy!

it would have been great meeting
Stanley Donwood

there there

met on 12 december

Costantinos, at Sgt Pepper's Milano

He bought this awesome lighter that projects this elegant image.
I loved it.

Marti, at Sgt Pepper's, Milano

[Sorry Marti, never thought iPhone could have such a powerful flash]
She is the CONCRETE girl. She always gets straight to the point.
And I like this a lot.
If you ask her a cigarette she advises you to take out the filter because she smokes light cigarettes.
Before Christmas she writes long wish lists for her boyfriend and her family, in order to avoid receiving the wrong present. "It's better for everybody, don't you think that?" "Yes, I do!".

is marchino a dj? yes, yesterday he was

moonage daydream

met on 8 december

Giovanni, at PanePasta, Milano

He is our neighbour Giovanni.
He came for lunch and while he was with me buying some wine, my flatmates set a beautiful Christmas table! We waited for Dino to finish working and then we had a great unusual early Christmas lunch:
- bruschette with oregano and fresh tomatoes
- pasta with calabrese tomato sauce and olives
- zucchini and cheese quiche
- pistachio ice cream
- bread with plum jam

tangerine candle by franci

white winter hymnal

met on 6 december

my brother's new camera

i wish Santa brings me a new camera too.

maybe with one of the new Canon lenses

capitalism stole my virginity

met on 4 december

My 90s friends, before the party, Milano

Thanks to Ozge for organizing a 90s party in her great flat, where you can play loud music and dance till in the dead of night.
I loved making me up using blue and pink eye shadows, but most of all I loved wearing extremely high waisted light blue Levi's bought for 1€.

i was really dressed like this

beverly hills 90210

met on 2 december

Chiara and her blog, Le cose che perdo, Tumblr

She has definitely her head in the clouds and she loses things.
The most different things, everywhere.
I always liked her and now she had this great idea that made me adore her.
Which idea?
She opened her tumblr Le Cose Che Perdo where she lists what she loses day by day.

it would have been great going to her concert

born free

met on 28 november

Alis, at PanePasta, Milano

I met her for the first time in 2008, when she just got back from her Erasmus in Glasgow. After a summer spent in Berlin, this autumn-winter I meet her often at my place, because she's great friend with my flatmate Tati. I like her a lot. I like her calmness, her air of wisdom and her undisputed elegance, always.

it would have been great meeting
Selma Blair in Storytelling by Todd Solodz



I think that, now and then, everybody deserves a break.
Metyesterday took its break.
I thought about moving metyesterday to tumblr or even saying goodbye and draw the curtain over every blog, but during this break-month I met many people and my first thought always went to Metyesterday.

Maybe Metyesterday needs a change, but there's no need of moving to tumblr or somewhere else. Welcome back on Metyesterday!

I didn't take pictures of all those I met, but I have something:

met on 26 october - 26 november

1) Vincenzo, Chatroulette (he is in Marsala, Sicily)
2) Maddi and Fuggio, Trattoria da Lina
3) Franci and Lina, Trattoria da Lina
4) Cecco, Halloween
5) Ali and Tati, at PanePasta
6) Marchino, Balakobako Café
7) Angelo, Skype (he is in Nigata, Japan)
8) Ale, Halloween
9) Dino and I, Halloween

Evolution Revolution Love

met on 25 october

These are Cinzia and Manu, at their place, London

Skype conference for women. Skype me and my housemates and share your experience and suggestions about female sexuality on monday night!


met on 23 october

These are Charlotte and Antoine, at Antoine's place, London

Skype Antoine and Matteo on Saturday afternoon, probably they're still awake from the night before.
Charlotte is Matteo's beautiful girlfriend. She lives in Paris while Matteo lives in London. They meet during weekends: once in Paris, once in London.

These are Franci and Lina, at Trattoria da Lina, Milano

Everybody falls in love with Lina. This time has been Franci's turn: she was worried about Lina's sleep, she bought Lina a rose, she never stopped saying "Lina is beautiful, I love Lina".
Super Lina.


met on 21 october

This is Tati, at Spazio Prospekt, Milano

The exhibition CARNEM at Spazio Prospekt shows the works of six young photographers. Among them, Francesco Merlini, who used my housemate Tati as a model. She actually felt a bit awkward, her body hung up in the middle of a an exhibition. But we loved her.

taking pictures of her with my dad's yashica

met on 15 october

This is Christoph, at Lio Bar, Brescia

Christoph comes from Mainz and he's a friend of my brother's girlfriend.
I met him on friday night and I spoke some german. I can still remember something!
Actually I was a little bit confused... I studied german at high-school and since then I haven't spoken it anymore (ok, in Berlin, but only to order kebab with turkish people not speaking german). By the way, I received Christoph compliments!

Fagio! He learnt german only listening to Rammstein and.. his german is awesome!
[pic stolen from his facebook]

met on 13 october

These are Ivan, Dario, Marta and Jou Zou, at Opificio Telecom Italia, Roma

Nokia University Program Final event: their team reached the finals with the application iTi (on the abstract of the five finalist projects)! Unfortunately they didn't win, but at least they received a Nokia smartphone as a prize.
My congratulations to all of you, I really liked your project and... what about offering it to Nokia competitors?

Marcello Mastroianni and Anita Ekberg in La Dolce Vita

met on 12 october

This is Matt, at The Drunken Ship, Roma

"Do you speak english?" "Yes" "Can I sit with you? I'm all alone"
This is how Matt introduced himself to me and Viola. He's Australian, from Newcastle, and he travels. Yes, he's been travelling for 5 months and his going to do that at least for the next 10 months.

Viola, here in piazza San Giovanni.
Framing with her camera is fantastic: the objective doesn't open completely, unless you do it by hand!

met on 10 october

This is Sofia, Lambrate, Milano

On tuesday I have to go to Rome in occasion of the Nokia University Program Event - no, my team didn't reach the finals - and I need my kind-of-formal trousers and a shirt because it's a formal occasion.
I spent my money to buy a pair of boots (combat boots - is this really their name? i checked "anfibi" on wordreference and what I found is "combat boots"), so I asked my mum to meet Sofia in Brescia and give her my trousers.
It's the first time we met in Milan, where she studies Design at Politecnico, and we should meet again, maybe in front of a beer, not in front of Lambrate station.


a different camera. ok, my brother has been incredibly cute giving me this one after my old little yashica broke, but... I miss a real camera.

met on 8 and 9 october

Yes, our anniversary lasts two days, the 8th and the 9th October.
Few friends know why.


...I fell in love with his fireplace.

met on 9 october

This is Manon, at Manu's place, Milano

"Are you Isabella?" "Manon!!"
I met Manon almost 3 years ago, she's Paul's cousin. Paul is a great friend of mine, met during his Erasmus in Milan. When she came to Milan that spring we had an amazing night dancing at LondonLoves and now she's doing her Erasmus here.
It's definitely a small world!


met on 6 october

This is Rocco, at PanePasta, Milano

Rocco! Ok you don't like vagina at all, but I can't believe it's the first time you see a napkin! Alice and I had to show him how the pad can easily absorb liquid soap and Rocco was disgusted.

Drew Barrymore and her WONDERFUL-FABULOUS-AWESOME ombré hair!

met on 4 october

This is Rob, in his brasilian flat, Rio de Janeiro

We are lucky he has a heart and we are lucky that part of this heart is in Milan: otherwise he would never come back from Rio de Janeiro!
Well, he lives 30meters far from Copacabana beach and summer is going to start in a few weeks!

This is Tube, at HEC campus, not far from Paris

Paris. Actually, not really Paris: Jouy-en-Josas. French woods, French classes, French mates, Internation Students ghetto, slowcoach people from the far East.
Dino and I really miss your sarcasm, your quietness and... monday nights at Rob's place.

Danny Trejo in Machete by Robert Rodriguez