met on 27 june

These are RENT A DJ, at La Piazzetta, Iseo

The perfect happy hour:
who. some friends
what. dj-set
where. Lake Iseo
when. on a hot sunday evening
why. the girls are thirsty

I love lake air!

This is Rossella (Rossi), at La Piazzetta, Iseo

She's wearing a beautiful owl pendant. But REALLY beautiful. So beautiful that today Flavia called me "I bought the owl, also for you. There were only two left. We are lucky."
Sweet sweet sweet Rossi, remember: THE OWLS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM.

that beautiful vintage (and cheap, but not enough for my wallet) bird cage. obviously not to be fulled with real birds!

met on 24 june

This is crazylove in Brescia

I received three phone-calls from my brother:
1st call (morning) - "I'm going to climb a crane in front of Chiara's (ndr his girlfriend) house and I'm going to hang up a sheet on which I've drawn a helicopter (ndr their "symbol")"
2nd call (evening) - "Hey I did it! It was so high! I also had to run away because of security guards!"
3rd call (the day after) - "Hey! Yesterday I climbed a crane in front of Chiara's house and I hanged up a sheet with a helicopter drawn on it!" "Yes, I know" "How?" "You've already told me about it" "Oh. Check your e-mail, I'm sending you the pictures."
If you click on the picture you can see the sheet, almost on the top of the crane.


met on 20 june

These are Cami, Sergio and Nicole, at Cascina Cuccagna, Milano

Cami and Nicole are co-organizers (with Sonia and Giovanni) of Granaio, a fund-art event-project that raises money during a monthly brunch.
Sergio is the coordinator of Progetto Cuccagna that aims to save Cuccagna Farmhouse from abandonment and decay.
Cascina Cuccagna is only one among the more than 50 milanese farmhouses! In honour of them, the Comitato Cascine Milano 2015 promotes an open-farmhouse-day on the 26 of June, when everybody will have the possibility to visit them. Inauguration at Cascina Cuccagna the 25th at 18.30!

Betti, the amazing vegan cook!

[pics taken from Granaio's flickr]

met on 18 june

This is Elisabetta, at Università Bocconi, Milano

The BEAUTIFUL Betta graduated!
We've been roommates for three weeks in India and I assure you she's the craziest blonde I've ever met.
She sweated blood on the financial maths exams but now she started her internship at Valtur where she can take advantage of amazing discounts for her holidays!

This is Emanuele, at Bar Bocconi, Milano

Ema and the Vivienne Westwood jacket:
some time ago, a guy called Emanuele bought a Vivienne Westwood white jacket. A white jacket gets dirty very easily and he needed it clean!
He went to a dry-cleaner, but there.."this item is very delicate, we risk to ruin it".
He went to another trustworthy dry-cleaner that accepted it, saying "come back in one week".
After one week he entered the shop but.. something exploded! Yes, while he was there waiting for his jacket he heard a burst and the airflow threw him against the shop window.
When firemen arrived, he obviously ran away.
After one further week he came back to the dry-cleaner and he finally took back the by then infamous jacket.
BUT.. it was still dirty!! Probably the explosion stained it.

This is Giuseppe, at Bar Bocconi, Milano

Mazel tov! Congratulations to Giuseppe, from January 2010 he is President of UGEI - Unione Giovani Ebrei d'Italia!

Paul McCarthy, controversial American artist

met on 15 june

This is L'Oréal Italia office, Milano

Some months ago I played the Reveal business game by L'Oréal and I've been selected among the best Italian players! Yesterday I participated to the first B-Revealed event organized by L'Oréal Italia and had the opportunity to visit the company, meet lots of young people and test my competencies in front of L'Oréal managers.
Challening, a bit frightening, but exciting.

Angelo is now 23 years old
We met 3 years ago thanks to Sex and the City and yesterday I forgot its birthday! Yes, my mind was somewhere else. When I opened facebook and read all the birthday wishes.. I felt so bad that I wrote him a stupid funny poetry to say sorry.

met on 12 june

This is Facco, at 24, Salò

Facco, the Apple fanatic.
He already bought 3 iPad: one for me, one for my dad and one for the office (dental surgery). After singing the praises of Apple products, the conclusion has been: "Steve Jobs is a visionary. And he is also left wing."
Phenomenal Facco.

This is Michela, at 24, Salò

Michela, beautiful photographer and designer showing her brand new cards. is still under construction but you can take a look at her shots HERE!

This is Nicole, at 24, Salò

We spent some GREAT time together when we were 18... we definitely need a reunion! She now lives in Madrid and I was really surprised and happy to meet her on Garda Lake yesterday night.

met on 11 june

This is Iggy, at Flavia's, Azzano Mella

Welcome to Iggy!
New entry at Flavia's home, this beautiful superblack cat!

11.6.10 - 8.8.10

met on 10 june

These are Michela, Luca and Marco, Central Station, Milano

When I get on the train, I immediately fall asleep.
15.15 train, I sat at 15 and woke up at 15.40.. the train was still stopped at the station. The Milano-Brescia line was out of order "the train has been cancelled". I got off the train to catch the next one and I met them.
We took up first-class seats and arrived together in Brescia 1 hour 15 late.

Zaha Hadid
(portait by Steve Double)

met on 7 june

My lunch, at my place, Milano

Exam at 14.30, during lunch I'm still on time to learn something new.
Proud of my piadina (flat bread) with:
- cabbage
- fresh little tomatoes
- burrino (superb cheese from Calabria)
- cashew nuts
- olive oil, salt and black pepper

once it was a bakery, called PanePasta

met on 5 june

These are Quel Gigante Orso Trio, at Sound Metak, Milano

Quel Gigante Orso Trio: Davide, Andrea, Samuele. Three guys from Cecina (Tuscany) playing praiseworthy music.
I already knew them before yesterday, but it was my first live -> fell in love with their music.

These are Dino, Ste and Marchino, at Idroscalo Luna Park, Milano

MI AMI Festival = so many people
After being crushed in a reggae crowd (Africa Unite concert), we decided to go to the Luna Park: ALIENATING experience. It was 2.30 am and that place was full of people! The Mc Donald's was full of people. Everybody was happy, even the Mc Donald's waiters. Maybe on drugs, probably on drugs; I swear it, everybody was smiling/laughing/bursting with happiness.

The characters of Happiness by Todd Solodz

met on 2nd june

These are Andrea, Jonathan, Lorenzo, Alis, Alice and Angelo, at my place, Milano

I have two exams to prepare for next week. It's fundamental to me being able to wake up in early morning in order to have an entire day for my books.
Unusual alarm-clock yesterday morning.. I woke up when Angelo entered my room asking for my lens fluid, while Alice was singing softly in her bedroom. Voices from the kitchen.. let's go down and meet.. all of them just came back home. I LOVED waking up and having breakfast with people drinking infusions before going sleeping (also if nobody of them went sleeping till yesterday evening)!

These are Giulia, Marta and Marta, at parco Ravizza, Milano
(pic by Clo)

After my breakfast with "after-guys" I went picnicking at the park.
Marta (the curly haired) finished her MBA in Scotland and now is writing her final thesis. She came visiting us (and, actually, her boyfriend) and organized this picnic on this sunny but windy day. Even Giulia and Marta break off from non-stop-study at the library (I think they'll have an exam today or tomorrow).

Laura Palmer
yes, I beat my childish fear and yesterday I began the Twin Peaks series.